2.1— Logic Model and Work Plan

The YMHAC Initiative is a multi-stakeholder model, which means that getting started requires the identification of local participants for key roles on an Implementation Team; identifying stakeholders who can have a major influence on your program’s success; and, finally, developing a local steering committee. These efforts provide long-term sustainability to the Initiative.

While you may already have some participants in mind, take the time to understand all different components of the YMHAC model first. Also, building out a program plan that includes objectives, deliverables and time lines will ensure a thriving, successful program.

Plan smarter! The logic model, action plan and timelines for the YMHAC Initiative will help you and your team in understanding the objectives, short- and long-term outcomes, deliverables and evaluation indicators to ensure a successful initiative.

Logic Model and Work Plan

The YMHAC logic model provides an overview and visual description of the YMHAC Initiative, including an explanation of the relationship between the five main components of the YMHAC model (below), their activities, and subsequent outputs.

  1. Youth Leads training/skill development.
  2. Development of Youth Champions cohort.
  3. Program promotion.
  4. Partner collaboration.
  5. Support and capacity building.

A detailed work plan with objectives, major deliverables, target audience and timelines was created for each of the stages of YMHAC model implementation. It can be used as a sample template to assist in implementation at your local site.